My 8th month with Cauda Equina Syndrome is in the books now and what a month! We moved back to our old house on Sep 6th and began the process of unpacking. I took time off from Sep 6 – 15 so I could help monitor the move (and maybe even help a little bit.) …
Month: October 2013
Injustice – My Cauda Equina Syndrome Legal Story
Because it is rare, some who develop Cauda Equina Syndrome are the victims of medical malpractice. Anecdotal stories abound, along with some documented ones, of CES being brought on or made worse by malpractice. Given the laws covering malpractice in varying jurisdictions and the variability of each person’s CES, no one can be certain if…
Blog title changed but still about Cauda Equina Syndrome & me
I have changed the title of my blog. Why? Not out of boredom or just liking change, much has happened since my last post. I’ll soon post about it, but for now we can say that the Lord has changed my view of what has happened to me… and His immediate purposes behind it. …