Some days, we get up and say, “Good Morning, God!” Other days we’re not so cheery. Then there are days like today, when God says “Good Morning!”
Author: David
Peaceful, beautiful video of San Francisco fog
Whenever you need a relaxation break, play this video of San Francisco fog… Adrift by Simon Christen: [iframe src=”″ width=”500″ height=”270″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe] Adrift from Simon Christen on Vimeo
Did you ever think when you eat Chinese, it’s not pork or chicken, but a fat Siamese?
With apologies to Harry Chapin’s “Cat’s in the Cradle”, we present you with this hilarious riff which begins with the title question. After all, even those who are fighting a chronic medical condition (or two) need to laugh! Click to listen —>> catfood
CES | Month 4
The list is too long… To even try listing every, or even most, of the chronic illnesses which you can not tell a person has just by looking at them. They are called “Invisible Illnesses.” For me, it is Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) AND Diabetes (Type 2). Look at me. Do I look sick? Chronically, for the…
Turkey shoot….
Sometimes I’ve been accused of taking things too literally. Guilty of that, I am. This could have been me….
When the Dr. says it’ll only take 1/2 hour…
Went to have my annual oncology exam for my left eye. Discovered about 6 years ago, it seems I’ve had a mole on the back of the inside of my left eye. This mole, also known as a “nevus” was regularly measured by my ophthalmologist each year. In 2012, he thought it looked like the…
Hot air (well, actually, engine coolant)
This week, our 98 Cadillac began leaking engine coolant. NOT a good thing… So we took it to the shop. Turns out it was a radiator cap gone bad. This IS a good thing… With my CES, I need a vehicle with more than average room to get in and out of. Vehicles with…
Losing patience with God…
Have you ever wondered how long a trial will last? Or suffered through multiple trials at once? If so, perhaps you feel as I do sometimes… Like this faithful dog, I sometimes feel as though I’ve sat in the downpour of troubles and trials for plenty long enough. And I wonder, “Why hasn’t…
It isn’t the heat, it’s the humidity! The trial of Cauda Equina Syndrome
Growing up in central Georgia, I often heard this expression. We all know that a humid day feels much more miserable than a day at the same temperature with low humidity. We’re going to look at our human suffering and trials that we encounter in life from the same type of perspective. What I have…
What is all about?
As I approach 55 years old, I can say that I’ve had a great life, but I’ve also had challenges. I’ve always been one who wants to share the great things I find with others. Those who know, know that I am not out to bring the spotlight on me. In and of myself, I…