Welcome to Back Story.
These posts will be catching up from when I was stricken with Cauda Equina Syndrome until starting my blog at Month 4. So join me as we look back at the beginning…
Feb 25th, 2013, Riverside Methodist Hospital, day of my decompression surgery:
From my wife, Kim – David was taken down to pre op at 5:30 this morning. Surgery was at 7:30. Out by 9:30. All went well, but he still has residual tingling in his feet. He has not moved much all day; pain is at a 2 (MUCH better than before). Tomorrow he sees the phys therapist and IF he can walk he can go home they say. But he has not had a bm, still has a catheter, and they were concerned with his kidneys. So he had an ultrasound of them. Maybe tomorrow we will know more. Thanks so much for all the prayers! He continues to bless us with such a movement of encouragement we are awestruck. Thanks so very much!
Feb 28th, 2013, Riverside Methodist Hospital:
From me – Today should be my last in the medical side of the hospital. The plan is for me to start intensive rehab therapy on an inpatient basis here at the hospital. I don’t have much pain, but there is still numbness and tingling from my hips to toes. My right side is weaker than the left, but am able to get up on my feet and walk 50+ feet (I had not walked since 2/11, so it feels good, even if it is challenging and added to the pain.)
No one knows how long for the rehab yet… They say anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. Of course, I could go home today and rehab there, but the house isn’t suited to it and I still need a good bit of help that Kim is unable to provide. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts during this time. Now the tough part begins, and we still need the prayers. We love you all!
Mar 2nd, 2013, Acute Inpatiant Rehab Center, Riverside Methodist Hospital:
Update from Kim on David – His occupational and physical therapy sessions are productive; his lower back across hips still grieve him but nowhere near as badly as before; hamstrings are way too tight and require stretching exercises as does his core; 6 sessions today dispersed thruout the morning and afternoon hours; he got a good sleep last night and hopes to tonite as well. His foot stability is the biggest obstacle now. He uses walker & special toilet chair but is able to get in and out of bed ok, and walk halfway around the rehab unit on 6th floor now. This all takes time. He is still catheterized and will be well into next week or longer depending on some bladder control test on Wednesday. His bowels are loosening almost too much now !! ;O We so appreciate everyone praying so fervently and consistently for recovery. Even with trials of your own, you still pray. THAT is LOVE for ya! Big hugs to all.
Mar 3rd, 2013, Acute Inpatiant Rehab Center, Riverside Methodist Hospital:
From me – The staff tells me I will be finished at the rehab unit on Wed (6th)! I just hope that my week left knee doesn’t slow that down.
Mar 3rd, 2013, Home:
From Kim – Well, it’s good to have David home again! Now for the disciplining of each of us to make sure he gets the PT exercises done (some he does, some I need to do TO/for him). He is still incontinent in both areas, so we’re keeping the Depends folks in business 🙂
Thanks so much for the prayers, and we thank God for His answering in His way, in His time. David’s not out of the woods yet with his walking/stability though. We’ll keep y’all posted.
Mar 12th, 2013:
My first month with Cauda Equina Syndrome ends … Month 2>>>>